What are Your HEART Goals? Part 5
“The transformation of the world is brought by the transformation of oneself.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti
Well here we are - ready to transform ourselves, and by extension, the world. My hope is that if you’ve read all the parts of this HEART goals series, you’ve begun to understand, as I did, that HEART goals are big. They encompass so much more than, for example, drinking more water, eating less chocolate, or exercising 3 times a week. Don’t get me wrong, those are great goals and important ones (well, maybe not eating less chocolate). They will take longer to achieve than a 12-month period of time, but when it’s a HEART goal that marries your passion and purpose, the achievement is baked into the journey.
The transformation that takes place in each of us, personally, as we work toward achieving our HEART goal has ramifications not just for ourselves, but for our families and the other more immediate relationships of which we are a part - both in our professional work as well as in our personal pursuits. Going back to the H - holistic, they balance our lives by filling in the gaps in our time, our passions, or our work. HEART goals Empower us to be who we truly are and then Affirm our authentic self as we live out loud.
Only once we’ve found and are living as our authentic selves can we share that gift with others - you can only give what you have already received. We Relate to others as free, whole, authentic human beings who can live in a world without a scarcity mindset, but one of abundance. That, my friends, is how our HEART goal can Transform the world.
What is my HEART goal? I have a goal of #empoweringwomen in my community. What does that look like? It looks like providing meals for families who don’t have them, providing transportation to jobs or to pick up children after school so that parents can work, creating a local community for families of all ages, races, denominations, to come together and truly see one another as part of the human community, not just the “other”. I definitely can’t do that one all by myself.
Now that you have the basic HEART goal concept, be on the lookout for the next post where I’ll break down my HEART goal into those manageable pieces that we’re all more familiar with.
I invite you to share your HEART goal - let’s transform the world together!